Thursday, 26 May 2016

It's Gentrification!

Hello... Ciao... Hola... Salut

We've kept you waiting a while... we've been a tad busy over the past few months but we've recently seen an article that we've felt warranted a blog post. This could've been the inspiration for one of our more recently tunes but if you've seen us live over the past couple of months, you'd know we've had it in the bag for a little while.

We have a song where we mention that a monstrosity in Shoreditch, overlooking the station and it's actually called Avant-garde Tower - we couldn't resist name checking that one in the lyrics.
Basically the people building and buying these developments do not care about London, whether it's Shoreditch, Walthamstow, Berwick Street, Soho or Manor House.

The real crime is the number of units bought and left empty while local families struggle to afford/find somewhere to live ‪#‎gentrification 

Avant-Garde Tower is not the one specifically mentioned in the article by the way but as you can see below, it is a fine-looking piece of shit.

Peace xXx